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Suggested Routes

More information on most of the routes can be found at and

Camino Society Ireland CLG - Disclaimer

The majority of outdoor activities involve risk to both persons and property. There are many variables including, but not limited to, weather, fitness level, terrain features and outdoor experience that must be considered prior to walking.

Be prepared for your journey and be sure to check the current weather and conditions before heading outdoors. Always exercise common sense and caution.

When we present a list of, or give information as to, Pilgrim routes in Ireland, Spain or elsewhere or any individual route, we are only making suggestions for the walker to consider. We do not in any way represent that these routes are generally safe, or safe for a particular individual, or safe in particular circumstances.

It is for the individual walker, and not for Camino Society Ireland CLG, to decide whether a route is safe for walking. We are not responsible for the safety or well-being of any one who chooses to follow these routes. This applies also in the case of organised walks by Camino Society Ireland CLG.

In no way shall the Camino Society Ireland CLG be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, or consequential damages arising out of, or in any way connected with the use of the information contained in or the activity described within this guidebook or on our website.


Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk.


All and any of the activity of Camino Society Ireland CLG, which is a not-for-profit Company registered in Ireland, is intended as part of the enduring conversation and sharing between Pilgrims and is not intended to give rise to any legal liability whatsoever.

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